Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Welcome all (which consists of just me),

    I am a talker and a writer, I can be long winded in both mediums.  I have considered writing a blog for the purpose of throwing my thoughts out into the world, but without the drama of social media sites.

    I am Christian and I am a Christian, as in follower of Christ.  I have a various denominational/non-denominational background and I am currently enrolled at Liberty University Online undergraduate program Bachelors of Science in Religion - Biblical and Theological Studies.  I have a calling in my life for ministry, particularly pastoral ministry.   I have been running from this call since the moment of my salvation in 2003.  I have finally stopped running and have turn to embrace this frightening assignment.

    As I started to say, I wanted to start a blog as a form of communicating my thoughts on subjects and studies, but also to help me with developing a self-discipline practice of writing at a regular interval.  I hope to do this at a minimum of weekly.  Readers (if every any come along) will have to bare with me as I have never blogged before and am not very skilled with computer stuff (hopefully I can get my son to help with that department).  So until I get a chance to play around with this blogger you are going to get the bare bones basic.

    Now the final intent of this blog is for me to document my Christian Pilgrim Journey (a nod to John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress).  I hope that this blog will be open, raw, and fearless.  It is not the intent to offend anyone, but it is also not my intent to tip-toe around anyone's feelings.  It is my obligation to write the truth and anything the Holy Spirit gives to me by way of revelation.  I do not sugar coat, but I do not intent to hurt, I will just write the truth.

    So welcome aboard, please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas.  I am always open for discussion and dialogue.  My God stands up to reasoning and is willing to be tested.  I may not have all the answers (I really mean I don't have all the answers), but I am willing to research and get back to you.  My rules of debate are simple: 1. Keep it civil, there is no point for name calling or hostility.  2. Keep it clean, there is no need for vulgarity.  3.  Substantiate your statements, I will attempt to back my remarks with Bible verses and academic sources and I expect the same.  4.  Opinions are personal and everyone is entitled to their own, but no one has to agree with it.  5.  It is ok to agree to disagree.  Not everyone will convince someone to their point of view and that is ok.

God bless,

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